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From The Silver Screen to Soccer Field

Beyazperdeden YeÅŸil Sahaya

9’23” / Experimental / Türkiye

 “Yıldız Movie Theater” was opened in the beginning of the 1950’s. The location and the environment of the cinema have changed because of urban renewal within years. Video work approaches this transformation from a social and architectural perspective.
“Basmane”, the region of the movie theater, was the city center of Izmir. However, in the beginning of the 2000’s, many immigrants came to Izmir and “Basmane” started to become a male-dominated area. Then, “Basmane” has become a marginalized region. The cinema “Yıldız” had been affected by that transformation, and the place has been changed as an indoor soccer field and billiard saloon. 


Prenses Model

Princess Ball Gown

14' / Documentary / Türkiye

The process that a wedding dress goes through can be considered as an embodiment of the formation of women's identity in society. Like most of the women, wedding dressmakers also dream of being a princess once they wear their wedding dress. On the other hand, dressmakers are certainly aware of the fact that they promote the already existing image of women in society because of their job. Our production is about Cinderella and her little fairies that help her to get ready for her special night.


Weight of Consciousness

Bilincin Ağırlığı

3’26” / Animation / United Kingdom

A hand painted journey into Mother Earth’s womb. The film explores the birth of consciousness through mythical spaces.


Men Counting Their Beads

Tespih Çeken Adamlar

8’27” / Documentary / Türkiye

An experimental documentary based on photographs of the director's grandfathers whom he never had the chance to meet, his grandmothers, and the stories they told.

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5’ / Documentary / Türkiye

Walid and his family, who had been having a difficult life in Somalia and had to migrate to Turkey, are sent to Burdur. Walid, facing the drought in Burdur which he ran away from Somalia, is struggling his life, as well.


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